Computer Science

My first steps

I began programming when I was 9, starting by learning C and Objective-C; and fatally broke my first computer at 10 by unistalling the operating system. To redeem myself, I developed my first game when I was 11; it was simple but worked, and it combined my two major passions: space and computer science. You may find a link to a one-minute demo of the game here.

Programming competitions

At high school my best friend also was fond of programming, and we worked on many projects together. We developed a videogame using Unity, and took part to a coding competition organized by MIT, Battlecode for 3 years. Last time was in the 2021 edition, and we did quite well, reaching rank 39 -including ineligible candidates- during scrimmages. More recently, I also started Kaggle challenges.


I study a host of topics related to Computer Science, and am particularly interested by theoretical computer sicence -logic, models...- and cyrptography. I have a solid background in mathematics which fosters my interest in such fields.


I also installed my first Linux distribution when I was 10, and quickly learnt how to setup basic networks and servers. I am fond of networks, and host among other things websites and a messaging server on my Raspberry Pi -although for performance reasons this website is hosted by Cloudflare Pages-, and also have a neat grasp of web programming.